5 Things Tuesday

Yo! It’s Tuesday folks and I should be working but instead I’m going to pump this out and then maybe, just maybe I’ll do something productive later. 

I guess we’ll see. Anyways. Here are 5 Things going on right now:

1  SO THE SEAHAWKS LOST ON SUNDAY - And that makes me sad. I can’t imagine how incredibly stressful that last quarter was for my entire city. Seriously, it was like an emotional roller coaster ride. From 0-20 at halftime to last two minutes of the game being nearly tied. Just chaotic. 

Then losing at that last moment. Stupid.

Oh well. Cheers to a great season! And we’ll get back to it next year :)

2  BACK TO THE DAILY GRIND - So vacation is officially over and I’m 100% working for myself nowadays. So I’ve been getting down in the nitty gritty to make sure 2013 is a better strategized business year for me. 

Don’t get me wrong, 2012 was awesome! A lot of new opportunities came my way but really it was all curve balls. This time around I want to be ready. Have my pricing set, my branding packets prepped, and have a broad portfolio that covers a multitude of work - but it all be good work. I’ve definitely gotten better over time. Practice sure helps!

But yes. Marketing strategies in the works. Got a Groupon deal rolling. Emailed a few craft and bridal expos. And I’m in talks with the USC Alumni Association to donate in their silent auction. Ima do this right. Boom.

3  MY ROOMMATE IS GETTING MARRIED IN 3 WEEKS - It’s so crazy how soon it snuck up on us but I’m excited for them!

Which also means I have 3 weeks to get a photo booth set up. Should be easy enough. But I’m excited about fun props and stuff. And just the plethora of hilarious photos that will soon come from all my amazing friends and the other wedding guests. Yay!

4  I’M REALLY EXCITED ABOUT SKINS REDUX - Say what?! YES. They’re doing a full final season of Skins. The original version. And it’s a unique angle at the project. 2 episodes per generation to see how they’re all doing.

I’m so excited. I’ll be rewatching the series to prep for it before it airs later this spring. I may or may not just pick and choose my fav episodes. Thank God for Netflix.

5  AWKWARD WON PEOPLES CHOICE AWARD - Did y’all watch the Golden Globes? Dude I don’t know what Jodi Foster was talking about. But I did notice that MTV’s “Awkward” won a People’s Choice Award. Dude. Well deserved. That show is hilarious. I might have to rewatch that one too. Go Team Jake!

I watch way too much TV.

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