So in recent news, the great-grandfather of blogging (Xanga) called quits (or major overhaul) so I had to go and copy/paste all my old entries in a Word Doc. 

And in doing so, I found some incredible old posts that I wrote. So I’ve decided to share some of them. Because they’re amazing and quite possibly some of my best writing. 

So here’s one from 2010 … quite possibly one of my roughest years where when life absolutely sucked, God still showed me that He loved me. And that’s He’s still incredibly merciful in this cracked out world. 

Not many people can say they get revelations out of Judd Apatow movies, but maybe I did once or twice. Here’s how the movie “Knocked Up” helped illustrate Crazy Love for me.

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Wednesday, 13 January 2010

more Crazy Love readings. one i’m realizing that God loves me. He loves me. LOVES me.

and i’m bored? what’s wrong with me?

it reminded me of a scene in “knocked up” where seth rogen and paul rudd got to the hotel and they’re high on shrooms. paul rudd’s character drags all the chairs into one room and kind of goes in a trippy talk about the different sizes and shapes of the chairs. in their conversation, their highly lit conversation, they talk about if their respective women would take them back. and paul’s response is basically what i’m feeling.

God loves me. He wants to be with me all the time. and i’d rather “play fantasy football”?? what’s my problem. oh God. please help me accept Your love. to want You. to desire You more than life. more than security. more than having a busy life and purpose. i’m for You.

i’m reading another chapter now and i’m already convicted within the first few paragraphs. my whole heart needs repositioning. i need full surrender to God. literally like my life needs to be His. the job, the life, the side streams of income, the body image, the physical body, the future husband, the small group, my car, my money. all of it is His. all of it!! 

God take it and do what You will. seriously.

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