Everything will be ok

I haven’t written anything in awhile and I’m sorry for that. Please take these tulips as a peace offering.

Actually - I really like tulips. They’re my favorite flower. So I’m going to keep them for myself.

Just kidding.

Anyways. I’d like to deliver some awesome solid content to y’all but I’ve just been so busy with everything. Moving to California was a big step and there’s still so many details to get through. And then there’s work on top of that. And life. Looking at apartments. Meeting potential roommates. Applying for jobs. Meeting recruiters. Going to small group. Walking miles just to get to places (flashback to my NYC trip where we walked everywhere).  


But everything will be ok. And things will fall into place.  

On a side note - I’m making these CRAZY connections here. Like meeting people left and right. And catching up with old friends. And just knowing different people who do different things … it’s crazy awesome. 

Sometimes I’m like “dude, was moving out to LA completely insane?” 

Yeah maybe.

But all the things that are happening that are GOOD far outweigh the insanely weird unknowns. I mean, God has taken the time to build the foundations of community before things kick into full gear.

Yeah.  This might have been crazy.  But I think everything will be alright.


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