5 Things Tuesday

Tuesday, Tuesday. Oh 5 Things Tuesday.

Sorry I’m late. It’s been a long (but productive!) day today. But I’m here. And here’s 5 things going on with me:

1  PORTLAND RECAP - So my mini vacay in Portland was exactly what I needed: REST.  I didn’t even realize how exhausted I was until I had the chance to stop. My life has kind of been on overdrive lately and I’m just tired. So actually being there to not have any plans (besides the concert) was perfect.

And honestly, my sister and I were bummed that the internet didn’t work at the hotel - but maybe that’s just what I needed. To NOT be on the internet. To NOT work during those 5 days. It was so nice.


Definitely need to go to Voodoo Doughnuts next time.

2  THE BONGS & THE LEES - While in Portland I was able to have dinner with some incredible people. The Lee’s took us to an amazing Italian restaurant that had probably the BEST tiramisu I’ve ever had before in my life. I honestly love how much they love food - they really have a refined taste!

And then we had dinner with a college friend, Koes. I got to meet his lovely (and awesome!) wife and his two kiddos. OMG. They are the CUTEST kids ever. And I must say, Koes and Lindsay are some of the best parents I’ve ever seen (they were so good with Aven!). If they ever wrote a parenting book, I’d totally buy it. For the one day I have children …

3  NEW STORE FOR WALK IN LOVE  - I recently bought a shirt from Walk In Love (which I’m excited about) but also realized that they are planning on opening up a second store! It makes me want to buy another one! You know, to support them and to wear a stylish (and edifying) t-shirt. Plus, I’m a big fan of helping out the small businesses.

4  MTV CHALLENGES RETURNS - I’m so excited for this: Battle of the Seasons! That RW Austin Team is definitely going to be a CRAZY situation. Seriously. But excited about it coming back. Love me some MTV Challenges.

5  CAN I HAVE A SECOND VACATION? Is it possible to still be tired after a mini-vacation? Because I still am. And I’m still behind on work stuff and biz stuff. I’m just kind of at the point where my brain is fried. I’m ready to hire an intern. 

In other news, I’ve got a new commercial shoot coming up soon. Exciting stuff! Today I went out and scoped out some studios to rent - we’re working with kid models this time around. I’m really pumped.  

One day I’m going to have some studio space. It’s going to happen. It’ll probably be half photography studio, half office, half creative space. You know, for my Etsy stuff and my sewing machine. Oh yeah, I’m totally going to sew up a storm soon. Going to rock out the pillows and bows - anything shaped as a rectangle is about all I can do right now. Ha!

Ok bye.

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