5 Things Tuesday

MOST EPIC DISNEY DAY EVER - So this past Sunday my friends and I had the most epic day at Disneyland ever:

  • we rode the Tower of Terror 3x in a row
  • had tons of fun waiting in line for the Christmas Choir show to start because of an app called “heads up”
  • ended up getting seats for said concert
  • was blown away by the Christmas Carols and the fact that Kurt Russell read the story of Christ’s birth at Disneyland
  • it “snowed” during the fireworks … and it was legitimately cold outside

Plus - I was with the BEST people ever. Such an epic Disney Day.

Way to do it big before letting the pass expire.

2  I REALLY NEED TO GET OVER THIS ONE STUPID PHOBIA - So in recent news Paul Walker suddenly passed away, which genuinely makes me sad.  He was such a young and talented actor.

And it also makes me sad that I all of a sudden couldn’t watch any of his movies anymore.  You see, I have this weird phobia where I can’t watch things where the actors have died.  It’s morbid to me.

Not actors who were always dead to me (like Audrey Hepburn or Lucille Ball) but those who I’ve known as living but then die (like Heath Ledger or Cory Monteith).  In light of this, I haven’t seen Clueless10 Things I Hate About You, and old seasons of Glee in a very long time.

And well, I have to get over this. Because people die all the time. And I don’t want to stop watching some of my favorite shows or movies because of that.

So I’m going to make myself watch a Paul Walker movie soon.  Either Varsity Blues or one of the Fast & Furious movies.  We’ll see.  Baby steps here.

GETTING HEALTHY 2014 - We’re doing it! The girls of Tres Dudes (plus a few more awesome ladies) are going to get fit! 

Hopefully accountability will get our butts into gear.  Not just in the work out realm but also in the nutritional side of things. Andi is going to help us eat right so our running/boxing/Jillian Michaels/hip hop dancing won’t be in vain.

I’m just glad I’m not doing it alone. Getting healthy won’t be as intimidating if I have other girls running along side me. 

MONDAY MEETUPS - So yesterday was a great day. I met up with two of my really good friends. Living in LA is great because there’s so many amazingly talented people in this condensed city, but with traffic being so stupid and our schedules being crazy - our meetups are so few and far in between.

I got to hang out with Beth, a friend from my RELEVANT days, who is now doing the whole comedy writer/UCB thing.  And then right after I met up with Elaine, my old roommate from Teen Mania, who is doing the whole music thing here.

It’s really cool and encouraging to see some of my favorite people doing what they love and actually go places.  And still love the Lord in the process.  It’s pretty much the best.

PASTOR ISAAC HUNTER - Today I found out that my pastor from the church I attended in Orlando, FL had passed away.  It grieves my heart that things were so bad that he had taken his own life.

About a year ago I found out about his resignation due to a very public scandal that caught me off guard. Sometimes you never know what demons people fight on a regular basis. And I guess it’s been something he’s been wrestling with for a long time.

There’s not much more that we can do besides pray for the family and those who loved him.


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