5 Things Tuesday

Are Wednesdays the new Tuesdays? I think it is.

Seriously though - I’m so sorry for yet again dropping the ball. I had all these great plans to queue up some posts and have them ready to go. But I’ve just been so busy that yesterday completely ran away from me.

My bad.  Anyways - here are 5 things going on right now:

1  SO LAST FRIDAY I WAS A TROJAN FOR A HOT SECOND - well not really. But I did attend the USC Latino Alumni Association Gala. I was looking for a way to do some creative marketing so I donated a family portrait session to their Silent Auction and soon enough I got an invitation to the event.

Everyone was dressed to the nines. Fancy tuxedos and such. I dressed up sort of, but not enough apparently. Next time I’ll have to wear my fancy Anthro headband. 

Anyways, being at that gala made me miss ORU. I miss college life. And it made me want to give back … to ORU. Heck, I’ll always be a Golden Eagle at heart. I do have to say that my favorite part of the night was when the marching band came out and they did their typical USC Fight On whatevers and then the band broke out into mariachi music! It was the BEST.

2  SPEAKING OF MY FANCY ANTHRO HEADBAND - I can’t believe I haven’t mentioned this yet, but I found my all-time favorite accessory a few weeks ago. I was actually looking for props for the wedding photobooth and found this gem in Anthropologie’s sale section. It was marked down to $19. FROM $188.

This headband is retailed at $188!

That’s just plain insane! But I love it. And I sure did wear it to Casino Night the following week. Which coincidentally is a great episode of The Office.

3  IN OTHER NEWS I’VE BEEN BRUSHING UP ON CREATIVE MORNINGS ORL - I’ve been attending Creative LA for awhile now and it’s actually been a great way to network and stay inspired within the context of creative industries. But I somehow stumbled upon the Orlando Vimeo page and realized that I recognized a lot of these companies and small businesses.

I guess I’m still getting used to LA, but Orlando was a little bit smaller and easier to digest. And so I started watching the videos. THIS ONE from Mama’s Sauce Letter Press may be my favorite lecture. It totally makes sense from the business perspective. If you like stuff like that, you should watch it.

4  ANOTHER THING I NOTICED IS THAT I APPARENTLY COME FROM A LEGACY OF GREATS - Most of the people featured in Creative Mornings ORL are founders of these small businesses that are doing extremely well nationwide. Not only that, a good portion of them were once employed at RELEVANT Magazine. 

  • Anna Bond from Rifle Paper Co.
  • The whole Maven Staff
  • Bobby Jones from PRPL
  • The guys from Duck Duck Collective

Seriously - it gave me hope. Because they’re all doing great things and making a mark in their industries. And my own coworkers are all doing their own amazing things, I just know that we’re all destined for greatness. And that makes me excited.

5  I HAVE PURPLE IN MY HAIR - Yeah. I’m still getting used to the idea too. But my incredibly talented hair stylist friend, Rachael, added some spunk to my plain ol’ black hair. I have a bit of purple along the side and a small chunk at the back. 

It’s kind of hard to see purple on black, but you can definitely see it in the sun and/or when I have my hair up. Anyways, this is me attempting to be trendy and hip and all that jazz. Is it working?

I don’t have a picture of it, but I do have a photo of my new boots. It’s random but still somewhat a part of that image revamp I have going on. Baby steps here, folks.


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