5 Things Tuesday

I know, I know. I’m late. 

Oh well. 

Took me awhile to shake off the travel doldrums. Colorado was beautiful, but it sure knocked the wind out of me. That’s what happens whenever I travel. Maybe I need to start eating more vegetables or something? Or start running again. Something to get my energy level back up after I do major travels like that.

Anyways. I’m back. Almost back at full capacity. Here are 5 things going on with me:

1  WHEN IN DENVER - So yeah, I spent some time up in the mountains last last weekend. Shot a wedding. Visited with friends. Trekked Red Rocks. Drove by a very full Bronco stadium (and laughed on the inside because we beat them on the Superbowl and last week’s game - bwahahaha!).

Anyways. Colorado was an unexpected trip of sorts. But I’m glad I went. The open night sky was gorgeous! Seriously, I wish I took some time just resting under those stars. It was kind of nice being away from city life and just have some time overlooking nature at its best. 

2  FALL IS HERE - Hey you guys, it’s officially fall. Which happens to be my favorite time of year! 

I’d normally get really excited about the leaves changing color and sweater weather - but we don’t get that here in LA. Bah.

I’m so tempted to jump on a plane and go experience real autumn in like NYC or back home in Seattle. I’ll pass for now … because, you know, travel doldrums. Maybe in a month or so.

Besides that - only one more week until Pumpkin Chocolate Chip cookies!!

3  WHICH ALSO MEANS, FALL TV IS HERE - Somehow I didn’t even realize that fall TV came back. It snuck up on me! 

I think Netflix has really changed the way we watch television. The normal calendar for it has really shifted in the last few years. Especially now that there’s mid-season shows, summer shows, catching up on a full season of Brooklyn NIne Nine on Hulu, binging on two seasons of Orange is the New Black as a whole on Netflix … yeah, and then all these news shows just popped up out of the blue and I’m just not ready to get fully invested in them.

But I did happen to go to a Fall TV Panel Review recently with some of the best critics in the industry. They raved about a few shows and dumped on a couple others.

The one they could not stop talking about was Jane The Virgin. Apparently it’s supposed to be really good! 

I already watched Gotham (hello Ben McKenzie), Selfie (hilarious and look! Jon Cho!), and A to Z (talk about meet cute). We’ll see if those are worth sticking around for.

I’m going to hard pass on Red Band Society. I was bored yo.

4  HEYO. MY NERD WAX CAME IN - And it’s keeping my glasses up like promised!

Woot! Proud to be one of the first owners of this little chapstick-like tube thingie that’ll keep my specs in place on hot days or whenever I make gyoza.

You should buy some too!

5  SHIFTING INTO A HIGHER GEAR - I’ve recently decided to up my game when it comes to my photography. There’s been a lot of work work work, but not a lot of brand awareness. 

I’m almost happy with my portfolio (still and always will be a work in progress). I think it’s ready to be shopped around a bit. 

I’m signed on again with Rebecca of I Heart Reps. We planning on some legit marketing efforts here. And then I’ll most likely pair up with Agency Access to gain some traction on the ad agency front. 

It really took some guts to decide to do this now, but I think the timing is right. And I’m sure God is going to bless it. 

So yeah. Prayers. I’m excited - wish me luck!

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