5 Things Today

Hello all. Sorry that I’ve been MIA with the posts and such. I’ve been meaning to write but really just never got around to it. My bad.

Anyways. Here are 5 Things going on with me:

1  DEBRIEFING 2013 - Every year I sit down and debrief everything that happened that year. The good, the bad, the triumphs and the struggles. This year has been full of all of that and everything in between. 

It’s just been kind of nice since work slowed down and everyone is in the holiday mindset, giving me the breathing space I need. It’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of life that sometimes you forget to process everything.

And I need that. God has been so good this year. It’s tough and I’ve grown a lot. But overall, 2013 was a good year.

2  JAR OF MEMORIES - So I tried something new this year. I saw this  idea on Pinterest where you write down your happy moments and place it in a jar. And at the end of the year you can open it and read it all. I pulled it out during a conversation with my roommates and it was a fun thing to share. I haven’t opened it yet. I wonder what memories I wrote …

I know I wrote about how Glove Actually scored a run and how it was like we won the World Series. Definitely the epic story of Katie eating the black bean brownie. There’s so many little pieces of paper in there. I’m kind of excited about reading them.

3  THE ENVELOPE SYSTEM HAS BEEN SAVING MY BUTT - You guys, I’ve been successfully on the Envelope System for the past couple months and it’s been both kicking my butt and working miracles! Dave Ramsey would be proud. Who knew that discipline like this could actually work.

I’m learning so much about good stewardship, it’s crazy. Even as a finance major, a sender, the former finance manager at RELEVANT - God still has so much to teach me about being content with what I have and having a generous heart. It’s been so good.

4  LACK OF A MONDAY MUSIC SHARE - So if you’re an avid reader of my blog, you may have noticed that I have a few different series. The 5 Things Tuesday one is a popular one, but I definitely have a few others: Monday Music Shares, For the Love of, and Photo Chronicles.

The nice thing about MMS’s and 5TT’s, the name alone keeps me on a specific schedule. But I’ve been seriously lacking on my Monday Music Share’s because I’ve been kind of unplugged from all my regular music sources.

I’ve always pulled my favorites from specific soundtracks (Skins has a rad soundtrack and so do the Twilight movies), favorite DJ’s and personalities (Parker’s Playlist is the best and Dianna Agron actually has amazing taste in music), and well I just haven’t been paying attention to what RLV has been playing either. 

I honestly have been listening to just a few worship albums on repeat lately. I mean seriously, it’s so good. I’m pretty sure there’s all sorts of amazing music out there but I’ve just been knee deep in the worshipping mood. Sorry about it.

5  CARL LENTZ ON KATIE COURIC - Check it! Pastor Carl Lentz from Hillsong NYC was on Katie Couric. His hair is really cool.

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